- Mass Effect 3 Male Shepard Face Codes
- Me3 Face Code
- Default Shepard Face Code
- Mass Effect 3 Character Code
- Mass Effect 3 Female Codes
- Mass Effect 3 Appearance Code
There is no available face code, so she's PC only: mass-effect-3.facesofgaming.com. Mass Effect 2 Male Shepard Face Codes Page Tools.This web page includes a listing of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, guidelines, and various other techniques for Mass Effect 2: Lair of the Shadow Broker for PC. Create a new Mass Effect 3 character with the desired face (also see How to recreate your unimportable Mass Effect 2 character in Mass Effect 3). Download the savegame editor (it's very beta). Open the character with the desired face, go to 'Player', then 'Appearance', then click 'Export head morph'. Save the file to disk. MEHEM is a reinterpretation of the endings of Mass Effect 3, which introduces quite a few changes to the game's finale and - as the title suggests - will result in a brighter outcome for Commander Shepard (if your forces are strong enough). It features custom videos and slides, re-engineered gameflow, original as well as re-arranged voice actin.
I've been using the codes and saving them onto save editor but when I go to turn on Mass Effect 3 a window pops up from Origin that says my data doesn't match, go with cloud or local data and I choose local data but it didn't work:/ any ideas why that is?
Where do they go?!
Open up the save you want to edit and navigate over to the 'Raw' tab. Click
Player -> Appearance -> Head Morph
This is what we're interested in.

'Hair Mesh' is where you enter the 1st line (it ends in the suffix -MDL)
Mass Effect 3 Male Shepard Face Codes
Open 'Texture Parameters' by clicking the box that looks like this [...]and a second window will open.
HAIR_Diff and HAIR_Mask is where the 2nd line goes (it ends in the suffix -Diff)
Me3 Face Code
Default Shepard Face Code
Mass Effect 3 Character Code
Mass Effect 3 Female Codes
Hit okay to close the texture window, save your changes and you're done.
Mass Effect 3 Appearance Code